Wednesday, 9 July 2014

How did I get here... and where am I going?

This week I’m going to take a look at why I chose to pursue a degree in Physics, and where I think I might be headed in the long run. Physics is a great subject to study, yet whenever I tell people I study Physics I almost always get the same response – shock that I’m studying it as either a) they didn’t understand Physics when they were at school or b) they just hated it. This inevitably leads to an awkward moment where either they say “Ooooh you must be really clever” (How on earth are you meant to respond to that?!) or you have to make a choice – do you try and persuade them that Physics is actually really cool (which tends to make you look really weird/ geeky/ over excitable) or do you just leave it and try and change the conversation before an awkward silence takes hold?

So what made Physics grab my attention and make me want to carry on studying it? Well I have always had an interest and curiosity in how things worked and in the world around me. This did not mean that I was always on a definite path towards physics – I was interested in EVERYTHING. Reading, art, music, sports, science, history… you name it I was into it. I would play with Barbies, but also build them vehicles and spend hours making sure the inside of their home was ‘just right’. It was great – I was given access to all sorts of opportunities and this meant growing up was really exciting!

Check out my ultra cool telescope that I got for Christmas
(age 7) - and check out the amazing experimental technique!
I loved studying a wide range of subjects at school, and having to give most of them up after GCSE was a difficult decision to make. I had no idea what I wanted to be “when I grew up” (I haven’t known since stopping wanting to be an Olympic gymnast at age 7) so instead of thinking about where I was heading I made the decision based on subjects I enjoyed. This didn’t stop the head of sixth form asking skeptically where these subjects were leading me to, but I’m so glad I took my range of subjects. Physics, Maths, English Literature and Music – certainly a broad range but each gave me so many different skills which have all helped since. But what to do at university?

Going to CERN whilst on a family holiday - thumbs up!
I considered all sorts of options. Someone recommended I looked at the PPE due to my interest in all sorts of things, but I didn’t fancy that. I’d always had an idea that I’d like to study English at university but then again I’d always loved Music too. However during sixth form I really got excited about Physics. I just found all the new topics I was learning about fascinating – everything from projectiles to particle Physics. I was also good at it and there was always the consideration that Physics was a very employable subject to pursue. It wasn’t an easy decision to make though, and what really did it was the fact I knew it would be easier to keep both English and Music up as hobbies. I don’t intend to ever give up on any of my interests, but all in all Physics was the best option for me.

I wont even pretend that my methods of choosing a university followed the recommended technique – but then again ordering prospectuses for almost everywhere was not actually going to help that much. I basically typed “Top 10 universities in UK for Physics” into google, looked at a few league tables, crossed out ones in London and other huge cities (I didn't want to study there) and then looked at the shortlist of ones left. I then looked at the courses (pretty much standard though!) and facilities on offer. I went and looked round several universities, but all I found that the 5 I had already pretty much decided on were the ones I would be happiest at. And in the end, I ended up in the place I had liked the most so alls well that ends well!

And well as they say – the rest is history! As you know if you’ve followed this blog, I’ve really enjoyed the course so far and love the place I study in. But where am I headed? Well over the course of my time at university I have decided I want to continue with my involvement in Physics (rather than leave it to go into finance or business). I then have several options… Firstly, teaching. I don’t want to go straight in to it though, whilst I have really loved the teaching experiences I have had to date, I want to get away from school for a while. It’s definitely something I’d consider in the future though. Secondly, medical physics. I’d love to do a job that helps people and I’ve always had an interest in medicine. I also find it fascinating how physics can be applied in a very real life setting and can make people better. A weeks work experience in the Newcastle confirmed that it would be a job I would really enjoy so I think that’s my most likely route at the moment! And thirdly, working in science communication would be awesome! I’m not really sure how you’d go about getting into that though so I think getting some experience of the ‘real world’ first would be a good way to go!

Recent homemade astronaut costume -
I obviously never stopped being really cool! 

But for now I’ve just got a job as a room attendant in a hotel (for the summer). Whilst I’m sure it will be a great experience, and a nice little source of income, I can’t see myself doing it in the future! Wish me luck though guys – first day tomorrow!

That’s all for now folks – expect another on Saturday (to make up for a missed one!) 

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